Posts Tagged ‘Audience’
List Building How To
Listing building is the only guarantee to your success as an online marketer. List building is essential to be sure that your advertisements and emails are being opened and looked at. To build an effective list, you need to follow a few simple rules. List building basically involves getting people to subscribe to your service or email campaign. These people sign up with you because they want the information or product you are offering. The people that are signing up are from the targeted audience. And people want to buy what you have to offer.
Effective list building involves many steps. First, when designing your sign up form, keep it simple. People do not want to spend a minute or more filling out forms to get the information they are looking for. If it takes too long, they will likely close the window and go elsewhere without signing up. Simple identification like email address or name is all you really need for sign up. You can gather the rest of the information at a later time.
Offer or suggest sign up to your list building campaign often. Links in your emails, blogs, advertisements, on your home page and so on attract attention quickly. Little lines like “click here for more information” will get people to quickly agree to join, especially if you’ve followed rule number one and your sign up form is simple.
You need to make sure to cross promote items as well or up sell other products whenever possible, but do not over do it. Offering product after product when someone is really only interested in one becomes very irritating to customers and they may decide they don’t want the product after all. Your subscribers are your business and you need to be careful not to alienate them and have them unsubscribe from your email campaign.
Again, your subscribers are your business. Having a quality list that is receptive to your products and services helps increase your profits and sales. The list building efforts you have made are vital to the success or failure of your business.
Using auto responders is a great way to automate your list building efforts. Auto responders take the name or email of a person once they have subscribed and send out regular, scheduled emails informing them of products, services, providing newsletters and so on. Auto responders really can reduce the amount of work you have to do. They won’t write your content, but they will manage your list and send out emails for you. Use care in choosing an auto responder. There are many available. Do research on each on them and determine each one will work best for your list building efforts.
Internet And Businesses Online Tags: Audience, Building Steps, Busin, Failure, Filling Out Forms, Guarantee, People, Rule Number One, Subscribers, Success
Categories: Screenwriting – Start From the End, Not the Beginning
The esteemed screen writer and two-time Oscar winner William Goldman is famous for his dictum “In Hollywood, nobody knows anything.”
So, I’m not going to claim that what I’m going to say is the sole truth of screen writing. But it is what I have learned from 40 years of movie watching, reading probably almost all of the well-known books written in English on screen writing, taking two expensive screen writing classes, and writing two full-length scripts: start planning and visualizing your script from the end.
First decide what the “ending” will be and then move backwards all the way to the beginning of your script.
But what do I mean by “the ending”?
That is definitely a scene, with or without dialog. But the most important thing is, the ending must leave your audience with something that they should take home with them. The ending is that overall feeling, the ultimate idea, the core emotion, the resolution (or lack of it), the “whole point” that you are trying to get across during the preceding 120 minutes.
The ending is the solid answer to the question “so what?” It is the ending that makes all that comes before it meaningful since all the early scenes point at the ending the way all compass needles point at magnetic north no matter where they may be.
Another important thing about the ending is – it must be 100% appropriate for your main and secondary characters.
The ending scene must be something that would follow naturally from the earlier actions of your characters.
If the ending is a totally unexpected “twist,” then the main character’s reaction to that twist should be what the audience should take home with them as the “whole idea” of the movie. Without such an organic ending, your audience will always feel cheated.
Writing And Speaking Tags: Audience, Books, Dictum, Full Length, Full Scripts, Magnetic North, Needles Point, Screen Writer, Screen Writing, Time Oscar Winner
Categories: Article Writing – How to Write Successful Articles – 5 Pointers
A successful article is largely defined by the purpose to which it was created and by the kind of results you wish to achieve. This kind of writing has many uses, so a broad perspective will be taken here. All articles are designed to be read by a targeted reader, to be helpful, interesting, informative, and in a way that can be followed and understood by the largest number of people. Writing this way is not difficult if you follow these 5 simple pointers.
1. Know who you wish to reach and communicate with.
This means you need to decide before hand who you want reading your piece and design it accordingly. Know your audience and what they want before hand, also where these readers go to get their information. This is where you need to place your scoop, so that the greatest amount of hungry targeted eyes will see it.
2. Headline and the teaser copy.
As the headline and the teaser copy is what your reader is going to read first, special attention should be focused on this important area. This is where you have just 2 to 3 seconds to arrest your readers attention with something that they are looking for. This is normally a benefit so place this up front in your title. Look at other successful headlines to see and learn how to craft your own. This is skill that is learnt and perfected with practice.
3. Writing Style.
Most often the best writing style to chose would be to the most simple and direct. Use your words in a way that is easily understood. A simple style benefits and appeals to the broadest cross section of people,therefor the largest possible number. Most of today’s Internet users are wanting information in a hurry and in a way that it is easily digested. Supply what is wanted and in a way that is most appreciated.
4. The structure should be constructed in an inviting and open format.
This means using short, to the point, focused sentences. Each paragraph should normally contain around 5 to 6 sentences with lots of white space between. These should be delivered in a crisp, concise and coherent way. Using numbers, bullet points and subheadings helps surfers to skim your thought piece to see if it has relevant content. A successful piece should promote interest and enough desire for them to invest the time to read it properly.
5. What is your desired purpose in targeting this audience?
What is your aim and intention? To share ideas, thoughts, opinions, promote a product or service? By knowing this before hand helps you to organise and source relevant material most suited to this task. If it is to promote a website, then you should give enough information and benefits in your pieces body to want more. Enough to pique your prospects interest in wanting to commit to a further action by clicking your link.
Writing And Speaking Tags: Audience, Benefit, Best Writing, Perspective, Pointers, Scoop, Sentences, Simple Style, Teaser Copy, Writing Style
Categories: Licensing – Turning Your Content Into A Revenue Source
The web is often described as a den of thieves when it comes to content. You have to worry about someone scraping your site, using your meta tags or just creating a copy of your template. Given this, it is more than understandable that most people cling to their content without really thinking about trying to turn it into a revenue source.
Let’s assume a party has some form of intellectual property of incredibly value. Let’s assume another party has an audience that it thinks would be receptive to the property or, alternatively, it would just like to use the property. How can these two parties get together? Simple, the creator of the intellectual property can license its use to the second party. As you’ve probably guessed by now, you can be either of these parties.
What is a license? In the vein we are discussing, it is a written agreement that allows a second party to use the property of the first in exchange for some form of payment. Let’s assume I am financial planner. I have uploaded hundreds of videos discussing tax issues to my site. You know – how to cut your taxes, new tax deductions this year, the Bush Tax Cuts and so on. When tax season rolls around, there are going to be a large number of sites looking for content. I could negotiate with larger sites to let them use my content in exchange for, say, money, links, free publicity or whatever. This is licensing at its core.
Now you are probably thinking you already do this to some extent. It is true. The web has revolutionized the licensing game in many ways. People just write and post free content like mad to sites like, YouTube, Facebook and so on. Ah, but are they really giving away this content for free? No! They are providing it in exchange for things such as links, access to a huge audience [YouTube] or whatever. In fact, most of these sites contain licensing language that you agreed to when you signed up for them.
Can you license just any old thing? Well, yes and no. Legally you can do so, but who is going to pay for this article for example when there are millions of legal articles available on the web? As painful as it is to my ego, I must admit that not very many people will. No, it is only when you have something of real value that people desire can you pull off a licensing deal on the web. The current area that is hot in licensing is video content. Who knows what it will be next week.
How exactly do you go about licensing something? You need to obtain a custom licensing agreement. That means retaining an attorney. Ah, you just knew there had to be a catch!
Legal Tags: Audience, Bush Tax Cuts, Deductions This Year, Extent, Facebook, Financial Planner, Meta Tags, Money, Taxes, Youtube
Categories: The Path To Success: Advertising
In order to be successful, a company needs to sell its products or services. On the other hand, people must have some knowledge about the company and its products to be willing to spend money on them. This is where advertising comes in. Its role is to draw the people’s attention on new products, services or even companies.
At first sight, one would think that advertising is an invention of the modern world. In fact, it came into being at the same time with trade. Since ancient times, when someone had something to sell, they tried to draw the public’s attention on their products and at the same time praised their merchandise, highlighting two aspects: quality, which made them better than others of the same kind, and price, lower than at other traders, which was meant to make the product the most attractive one on the market.
The high rhythm of industrialization in the latter half on the 19th century and the intensification of trade, both internal and international, transformed advertising into a successful business in its own right. Companies pay huge sums of money every year to promote their products.
An advertisement needs to reach as many persons as possible in order to be efficient and have an impact on the public. For this, it needs to use the channels of communication with the highest audience. At first, there were the newspapers, especially those with national circulation, which could reach people in the most remote locations. They have the great advantage that they could also show an image of the product, for the potential clients to have a better image of what they are invited to buy. In the first half of the 20th century the radio was the most popular communication medium and was extensively used for advertising, too. When television appeared, it changed everything.
It offered opportunities that none of the other media could. Most importantly, it was visual: people could see how the advertised articles worked or what they could do. Advertising agencies could make short movies or use celebrities of the day to endorse the products. The people in the industry quickly realized that visibility was a key factor, so they started to place advertisements written in huge letters on the tall buildings in towns, to use the exterior of the means of public transport, to place huge banners in strategic points in towns and even outside them. We have all traveled on highways where at every 500 meters we are invited to spend the night in a motel, have lunch at a diner or visit some touristic attraction. How many of you resisted the temptation to the end?
Business Tags: Advertisement, Audience, Century Radio, Communication Medium, Draw People, International Advertising, Invention, Radio Communication, Success Advertising, Successful Business
Categories: Public Speaking – Arranging a Question and Answer Section
You have just finished giving your speech to an audience and you hope that what you have said has been well received. The only problem here is there is no way to fully believe that this is the case. Now then if several members of the group who has heard your words comes up to you to offer their thanks or to discuss a point then you will at least understand that these people were at least listening. However, if this is important to you as a public speaker then the best that you can do is plan for a question and answer section for when you have finished.
The topic that you are speaking on truly touches your heart. You have spent weeks doing research so that you will be very informed on this topic. You have spent hours upon hours writing your speech and you actually believe that this will be your best performance to date. Now you need to have a question and answer section so that you can obtain the feedback that you desire.
While in principle this sounds easy to accomplish, without some fore thought this section could fall flat on its face with little to no hope that it can be revived. To ensure that a successful Q & A will follow your speech you should have a few questions in your mind. This can be achieved by asking yourself questions as you do your research.
One thing that you will need to include in your speech is the announcement that following there will be a Q & A period when you finish. Actually this should be done prior to your introduction to the speech. If you are not comfortable with making this known then by all means make sure that the person who introduces you to the group makes this known.
To ensure a successful Q & A you must make sure you can answer each question. Again this takes you back to your research. A good answer is one that is not a restatement of what you have already said. To simply repeat various parts of your speech will not only not usually answer the question it will normally cut off any additional questions.
To be able to conduct a good Q & A session it is advised that you have as much of your research information available so you can give thoughtful and concise answers. Here you can use note cards but these have a tendency to get in the way and possibly confuse you. It is recommended that you use good short notes, listed in an outline form, so that you can look at what you have and put these thoughts into good, informative sentences.
A good question and answer section to any public speaking event does not just happen. It must be planned for and prepared for. If you know your information, have done quality research, and have good notes to fall back upon then your question and answer section should be excellent. You need to realize that failing to be prepared will not only ruin a good speech but will cause you to look unprepared and having a total lack of knowledge. It is up to you to prevent this from happening and it truly is not that difficult to do.
Writing And Speaking Tags: Answer Section, Audience, Best Performance, Doing Research, Heart, Principle, Public Speaker, Public Speaking, Question And Answer, Writing Speech
Categories: Why Do I Need to Do Teleseminars?
As you may have heard, one of the very best ways to reach your specific audience is to do teleseminars.
What is a teleseminar? It is a new approach to marketing that requires only a telephone. It is a telephone interview or teaching for your prospects, clients, and colleagues. It can be for free or fee and can provide all the benefits of an on-site seminar, including Q & A and handouts.
You can be the interviewer or interviewee and you can do it from the comfort of your own home, office, car, or hotel room. It is convenient for you and even more convenient for your listeners. They do not have to dress, get a babysitter, fight the traffic to gather at a room, then return home.
Doing them gives you a particular status as an authority, expert, or someone who knows what your audience wants and needs then provides it. Your audience gets to hear you and your guest experts and gets a better sense of who you are and your personality with which to identify and become comfortable. They see what user-friendly resources and benefits you offer.
How are teleseminars done? You decide what you are going to share with your audience. If you are smart, you will have surveyed your audience before hand to see what they particularly desire to hear about. You both have an outline of the questions to follow in order to make the presentation content-rich and smoother. No fluff. No sales pitch. You need to let your audience know that they can ask questions by phone or e-mail and allow time at the end of the hour for answering them. Also tell them you have a special bonus for them for attending, an MP3 of the teleseminar so they can replay it.
Participants need to register so you can know how many will be on the call to set up a conference time with a telephone conference service, such as
Before the teleseminar, you arrange to have the conversation recorded and the audio recording transcribed. You let registrants know the details of the call. If you already have an e-mail list, you can send out a series of emails letting your audience know about the value they will receive from your teleseminar. Collecting e-mail addresses allows you over time to provide your audience with helpful tips and further announcements.
You begin your teleseminar with introductions of yourself and any guests. Then you give them a quick summary of what you are going to cover. During the teleseminar you will remind your audience what you have covered and what is yet to be covered. At the end you will recap.
Doing teleseminars gives you visibility and credibility, builds rapport, and begins your relationship with them. You need to let them know how they can reach your website and your office. At the end remind them of the special bonus MP3 audio download of the teleseminar. You can also choose to make the transcript available to those who contact you for more information or an appointment.
The best thing about teleseminars is that they can be listened to nearly anywhere so they can extend the reach of your practice nation-wide.
Business Tags: Audience, Colleagues, Marketing, New Approach, Prospects, Telephone Interview, Teleseminar
Categories: Workplace Communication 6 – The Best Way to Prepare for a Meeting
Anyone who has prepared for a meeting knows that you communicate better by using charts, graphs, and pictures to get the point across to the audience. You should be very careful about saying and doing things the right way for the audience.
The speaker who is giving the presentation should try to communicate a clear message to the audience with his words, phrases, and actions. For example, when you attend a meeting whose agenda is not well planned, it says to the audience that the subject matter is not an important one. This is one way, maybe without knowing it, that the person is saying more with his actions than his words. When the speaker is not prepared to talk on his subject, it says that either he did not take adequate time to prepare it, or he probably did not study his material. The same is true, when the speech is not well delivered.
How many people have walked into a meeting and thought that they were in the wrong room based on the topic being discussed? Once seated, you had to focus closely on the speaker to understand what he was saying, and how it related to the topic and to you. When someone talks about unrelated matters and the text is redundant, it says that they did not take the time to prepare their presentation. Always try to arrive at the meeting on time because when you are late, it may seem that you do not really want to be there.
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Business Tags: Audience, Graphs, Legal Structure, Marketing Pricing, Meeting Agenda, Phrases, Procurement, Subject Matter, Unrelated Matters, Workplace Communication
Categories: Public Speaking: Self-Effacing Humor
Self-effacing humor, or making fun of yourself is quite a contrast. It is a very powerful form of humor that gets its strength from highlighting your weaknesses. It seems that people who have the ability to laugh at themselves in just the right amount during a public speaking engagement are perceived as secure, confident, strong, and likeable.
With this type of humor, a little goes a long way. If you overdo it during a public speaking engagement, you will look like a doomsayer who is always putting yourself down. If you can’t bring yourself to use any self-effacing humor, you should learn. I must be candid here. Most people hate to deal with a stuffed shirt. Unfortunately, if you can’t poke a little fun at yourself, that is the way you are perceived.
I think the reason self-effacing humor works so well is that weak people feel the need to inflate themselves and powerful people don’t. If you have the confidence to tease yourself, you are indirectly sending the message to the audience that you are secure and powerful. Most audiences can see right through speakers who are trying to puff themselves up. It turns them off quickly.
The person who is not afraid to tease him or herself is the one who makes the greatest connection with the audience because everyone in the audience has embarrassed themselves or failed at something at one time or the other. If you use self-effacing humor, the audience knows that you, as the presenter, know how it feels to fail. That is a very powerful magnet.
Katharine Rolfe, President of The Lighten Up Club, takes self-effacing humor one step further. She says, ‘I call it self-appreciating humor because it conveys a positive appreciation of ourselves as humans who are simply out there doing our best and bumbling along as we go.’ Katharine’s organization believes the key to a happy life is the ability to laugh at yourself, for then you are never without a source of amusement.
Unless you are a Don Rickles type presenter (known for his hockey puck teasing style of humor), you should never set yourself up as superior to the audience either socially, financially, or intellectually. You want the audience to accept you as one of them. Let them feel superior to you in some way. Your audience would rather hear about the time you fell on your face, rather than the time you won the race.
That is why self-effacing humor is great during speaking engagements. The audience likes the fact that you openly admit your weaknesses. They laugh, but they still respect you because you are self-confident enough to joke about yourself.
There are any number of things you can tease yourself about. Your physical appearance is good if you are especially tall, or short or fat or bald. Just make sure that the physical appearance is obvious to the audience. If you are disorganized, you could tease yourself about that. If you can’t parallel park, you could tease yourself about that. Just about anything will work as long as you are the target.
What you want to avoid teasing about is any subject that has a direct tie to your credibility. For instance, if you were a nuclear control room technician, you would not want to joke about the time you pushed the wrong button. But, if you got fired from your job as a nuclear control room technician for almost pushing the wrong button, then this fact might be a good topic for humor. It could turn into a great topic if you now own a landscaping company or are in some other non-threatening position.