Before you put anything back into the cabinets or pantry, take a clean, damp cloth and wipe out the interior shelves. You'll be surprised at snickerdoodles recipe how much dust can gather inside a cabinet. Your kitchen organization is under way!
First make a trip to a traditional Chinese wok easy cookie recipes store and purchase a hand hammered carbon steel wok about 36 inches in diameter. Stick with me now you're not going to have to purchase a truck load of vegetables to fill this rather large cumbersome wok.
While at the wok store also purchase four of the largest steel soup ladles you can find. Now on over to the nearest hardware store. Let's see. Yes a role peanut butter cookie recipes of duct tape. A couple of pieces of the tubular Styrofoam stuff that people wrap their pipes with.
A good large electric heat gun and some good wax. We're almost finished. Just a quick trip to the sports store for a plastic hockey goalies mask and padded clothing. That should do it.
Now back to the kitchen. First slit butter cookie recipe the Styrofoam so that you can place it around the outer edge of the wok. Then coat the outside with several coatings of wax.
Now this next item will take a little effort. To do this properly you should travel to Germany. Yes. Germany. The folks who gave us the Oktoberfest have now given us the wok race. I would think but have no proof that this technique came to mind after a couple of days of enjoying all that good beer and sausage.
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